Today is one of the happiest days we will always remember! Our oncologist called to tell us that Otto has no leukemic cells left - zero - nada - not one found! This was confirmed through two types of testing. As of now, Otto is in remission! What we also learned is that he will most likely not need a bone marrow transplant, which is such awesome news!!! Otto, along with our family, is over the moon happy with this recent news. So, what does this mean? This means he will continue on the chemotherapy protocol, which is a total of five chemotherapy cycles. Each cycle is approximately 28 days with varying amounts of chemo each time based on his condition. We are still cautiously optimistic as our journey continues toward his full recovery. We head back to the hospital tomorrow for the start of cycle two, with 8 days of chemo. Our family wants to thank each and every one of you who have taken time to pray and send positive vibes. It i...
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