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Showing posts from August 31, 2018

Thursday and Friday, August 30th and 31st

Otto had a pretty good day yesterday. He was outside here and there enjoying some golf swinging for some time. Today Otto is 13. It’s crazy to think that so much time has passed since this guy entered the world. Today is also a Clinic day. After waiting for numbers to come in, we found out that he needed some more platelets and red blood cells. He must have really outdid himself playing golf! Lol! So, we are almost done after being hooked up to bags for almost 6 hours. Some people might feel bad, but no worries. He had to get Benadryl prior to starting due to Tuesday’s hive reaction, so he has slept through almost the whole thing. He’s hoping to get to see some people tonight and this weekend. This chemo may be hitting him a little more than before, but he won’t let it stop him from hanging out with some of his buds. Thanks to all of you who sent him well wishes. Another thank you for the prayers and positive vibes as we continue to wait for those numbers to rise. Mark, Leigh...