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Showing posts from November 5, 2018

Sunday and Monday, November 4th and 5th

Good evening, all!   Otto has had two nice days in a row.  He's shown more energy and is taking walks, chatting it up with nurses and enjoying hanging out.  We have also had a few visitors over the last few days.  That has also been nice.   We heard back from Boston and we will be having a phone conference with one of their oncologists that have reviewed his records.  Although our doctor has been in contact with the one in Boston along with warning us that we will most likely hear the same diagnosis and treatment protocol from her, we still need to talk to this lady.  We just need to know if there are other alternatives to the path we are currently on.   We do say it often, but it bears repeating.  Thank you to each and every one of you who find the time to send love, prayers and positive thoughts our way.  We really do find it helpful, more so Otto.  That's part of where we feel he finds his strength to fight.  He ...