What an amazing day yesterday! We cannot believe how many people were able to attend the Otto Strong Strike Out Leukemia event. So many thanks to every person who came together to make this event happen. We are also incredibly thankful for our community who came out to support us. A special thank you to the DeRidder team who ran the Bone Marrow Cheek Swab booth. Although so many of you were there for us, more than 25 of you took time to become a registered donor. We may not need to take that route, but what a gift for someone else who may be in need! We would have loved to have been there, but Otto cannot be around that many people at once. His counts should be trending down and his immune system is low. Yesterday we were there in spirit, but also had a chance to be together as a family, something we haven’t been able to do at home in some time. It was great to be home, doing small household chores. It was like life was normal. It’s silly how those small nuisances can be v...