Good morning! Many of you have been wondering how you can go about getting tested to see if you could help Otto in the area of bone marrow donations. We thank you so much for your willingness to help! We appreciate your interest in learning how to get this done. If you would like to get swabbed and join the registry, I encourage you to go to the Be the Match website ( ). This cheek swab takes literally 1 minute and 30 secs to complete. Isn't that a crazy thought? Just by rubbing your inner cheeks with the given Q-tips, you could potentially save a life! People who would like to pursue this journey will need to understand that their results cannot be directed to Otto. Instead, your swab will be available to anyone on the national registry. Does this include Otto? Technically it does. However, our team here at Yale has already collected a pool of candidates who could potentially be a 100% match. So, by th...