Sorry for the long delay in posting. It's been an interesting, yet fun last few days. We are now Day 4 into chemo. Otto is tolerating everything really well. We are lucky once again to have one day time chemo infusion, with the others occurring when he is sleeping. This makes life a little easier, for he is not tied to a machine all day. All side effects are under control with the usual meds. There has been no need for additional meds like last time. We received word back that there is no disease in his marrow. This is a great thing. Due to this, we may be eligible to leave after the last day of chemo, so Otto can recoup at home. This would be a fantastic situation, for if this is not the case, he will be inpatient for another 20 days. We can see that the chemo is starting to help the leukemia cutis decrease. However, this is a process that will occur over time beyond the last day of Round 4. We were...