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Friday, June 22nd

Good morning! 

Otto wants you all to know that he's doing well.  He had another great night, and we are over the moon happy that he has been fever free for 18 hours.  Mark went to rounds this morning with the team, and Otto's counts continue to look really good.  His white blood cells are continuing to dwindle (which is what we want) and his body is preparing itself for the ultimate fight.  So, that's pretty amazing news for us, considering what was dropped on our laps Friday afternoon.

I know that it is most likely that people are wondering if we are in good hands.  I will tell you that we are.  The doctors are on top of everything - from what is currently going on to what could happen - and have a plan to counter it all.  We are incredibly lucky to be surrounded by individuals whose life's passion is researching and helping kids with AML to beat it and succeed.  With that being said, we see these individuals from time to time throughout the day.   Our ultimate heroes and companions on this journey are the nursing team in the children's oncology/hematology unit.  Within the past 5 days, our family has already established and developed what could be lifelong friendships.  Every day they are teaching us all about the medical side of the condition, which we are very grateful for.  But more so, they are helping to make our stay more bearable through conversations and laughter.  You know when you are in a meeting with someone and you can just pick up on the fact that they love your kid?  That's the vibe that enters our room when we see these amazing beings! Ever, ever, ever so lucky!

So...  Today is Day 5 of chemo.  It's a heavier day compared to yesterday.  He has a total of four meds to take (one happened this morning and then the other three later in the evening).  He's still taking antibiotics, but he's off the other meds due to his levels being so good.  We are half way through, and he is staying strong!

Before we get going for the day, I want you to know that this boy's walls are starting to be covered from top to bottom.  The posters, cards and messages that have been sent have quickly been added so Otto can always see how much love and support is out there.  He also has a message board that we switch up every day with funny or inspirational sayings.  So, if you are wondering if you can do anything, know that if you send some words - it's going on the wall!  ;)

As always, we continue to extend our thanks to all of you.  The love and support are out of this world.

More tomorrow!


Mark, Leigh, Otto, Tess and Lulu


  1. Great news that things are going your way! Is this round 10 days, 2nd 8 days, 3rd 6, 4th 5 and then last 2 with a shot after 48 hours? Tristan’s best round was 2. It took 41 days for his counts to go down then up during the first and then only 28 during the 2nd. I hope the next 5 days and beyond are as good as the first! Is there an email address I can reach you at? Mine is
    Hugs and prayers!
    Courtney Campbell

    1. Hi Courtney!

      So right now, the docs are giving him 10 days of chemo treatment and then we are going to watch numbers / look out for infections for the remaining 20 -30 days. After that, they will determine the next steps. I am pretty sure that we will have 1 - 2 more rounds to go through, however, nothing has been set as of yet. Thank you so much for your email address. I will make sure to place it in my contacts and will reach out soon.
      Ever thankful!
      Mark and Leigh

  2. Wanted you to know we are praying for you all! Keep up the good fight of faith! ((Hugs)) from the Buck family

    1. Thank you Dana! Prayers and good vibes are appreciated! xoxo

  3. Looking good Otto!!!! You got this dude! Andrew was so happy to see the pictures! Crush this!

    1. Thanks Christina! So glad to have had the chance to see you the other morning! xoxo

    2. I left there so glad to just hug you! Love you girl! Xoxoxo


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