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Thursday, November 1st

Good evening!

  What a wonderful day to wake up and reminisce about yesterday's Wish day.  A special thank you again to Patti, Dawn and Cheryl for making our boy's dream a reality.

  Today has been a good day thus far.  Otto has been up all day, watching videos and movies as well as taking walks to the Healing Garden.  Otto was even able to sit down with the Digital Art Therapist who helped him construct a video comprised of many of the pictures we took at the parade.  He had a wonderful time doing this and was proud of his accomplishment.

  We are waiting to talk to Boston Children's in order to set up a time next week.  We are going to be meeting with a team of individuals who reviewed Otto's case and past history.  We are praying that God will lead them to a better approach to helping Otto through this difficult journey. 

  We were also notified today that Fox 61 will potentially being doing an exclusive on Otto in regards to his recent Make A Wish.  I will keep you up to speed so if you'd like to watch it, you can!

  We would love to say another thank you to all of you who have supported Otto and our family in connection to his Make A Wish.  There are so many behind the scenes volunteers who help to make those dreams come true.  After being part of this whole experience, I can see why so many people want to dedicate their time, efforts and money to support such a wonderful organization.  When speaking to the Make A Wish coordinator for Massachusetts, they will have granted over 400 wishes by the end of this year.  What a beautiful thing!

  Spreading the love through the power of prayer and positivity!

Mark, Leigh, Otto, Tess and Lulu


  1. I cannot stop thinking about Otto's Wish and his smile! They say wishes are blanketed in joy - I'm so happy Otto and your while family had a joyful day!

  2. So glad you all had a wonderful time at the parade! Keep those good days coming, Otto! You got this kiddo! Thinking of you and praying for you every second of every day.
    Much love~
    Mrs. Grieder


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