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Wednesday, October 10th

The rollercoaster continued today. Although Otto’s spirits were a little more upward, we started a new eating plan today (or should we say a no eating plan). Yesterday, late in the afternoon, it was discovered that Otto has an infection starting to form in his intestines.  In order for it to heal, he cannot take any food or liquid by mouth for the next few days. Everything, including a 24 hour nutrition drip, needs to go through his line. One would think that something like this would put you over the edge. Otto’s response?  “Well, if this is what it takes to get rid of this, then this is what I have to do.”  We are in constant awe of his strength and courage.

Now, we have currently talked to the team in regards to the fungus that has developed on his liver, and the best chances of erraticating it is through surgery. So, once his counts and high enough and considered safe, the pediatric surgical team will remove it. More discussions will take place in the next day or so to determine how long he will need to recover in order to then go to transplant. What we were hoping to occur in December may be farther away.

Each day is a new one, allowing us to reset our mind frame. This morning, pulling into the Smilow parking lot, I saw a message that someone had randomly taped to a wall. It said HOPE. Moments later, I was at the elevators waiting for one going up to the 7th floor. The doors opened and in front of me stood a man with a sticker on his chest that said SURVIVOR. These two things helped me to reset,  to change my attitude for the day.  Signs are everywhere, constantly reminding us that it’s all going to be ok. Even with all the bumps and hurdles, he’s going to make it through this.  I thank god every day for these short moments of insight and hope.

Prayers for strength and positivity,

Mark, Leigh, Otto, Tess and Lulu


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