Today and yesterday were good days for Otto. He was up and about, taking walks and chit chatting it up. His ANC continues to be zero. We are praying that this new med will kick his bone marrow into drive so we can see that number start to rise. In addition, due to low numbers for platelets and red blood cells, he needed more transfusions this weekend.
The barn raising was an amazing experience yesterday for our family. Mark took Tess along with a few other friends to the event. George, head of the Northford Timber Framers organization, led the charge as people from all walks of life came together to help build the barn. Before the raising began, Mark was asked to speak to the group and share our story. It was an emotional time, but with the support of those surrounding him, he was able to share what has been happening to Otto. George, on behalf of the organization, gave our family a check to put towards our expenses. He, too, is a past transplant recipient, and knows the struggles that families can face. We are so grateful to George and crew for this amazing gift!

A BIG shout out to the Fradkin family for getting a signed ball and hat from Dustin Pedroia, Otto's favorite Red Sox player. He was over the moon thrilled to receive such a gift. Another special thanks to the Nagys for bringing Otto a signed hat from #93 at Lyme Rock Park. These folks from our baseball family mean the world to us! In addition, an extra thank you to all of you who have sent gifts to keep our boy's spirits up! We greatly appreciate all your generosity.
We cannot thank people enough for sharing our blog as well as our story. We can see that so many others have viewed it. We continue to pray that others will send their prayers, positive thoughts and well wishes our way, for Otto needs all of these in order to continue to fight this battle. You would think with all the hurdles that have popped up on his path, that his defense would be down or lessened. Due to all your support, he continues to fight hard. That is something that we are incredibly thankful for.
With so much love and gratitude,
Mark, Leigh, Otto, Tess and Lulu
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