Today has been a very uplifting one so far. An initial pathology report came back in regards to the liver biopsy. The growth on the liver looks to be fungal. There was no disease present in the slides. We are over the moon happy to know we finally have something to point to related to the fever he has been having. We will meet with the team in a few hours to discuss the three to four antifungal meds he will need to take in order to clear the infection and keep it from coming back.
This has been a long week at the hospital, and we could not be able to do the things we needed to without the help and support of family and friends. Thank you to you all as we work to get our guy back to the chipper boy he is!
Mark, Leigh, Otto, Tess and Lulu
Who knew a fungal growth would be so welcome!!! So happy to hear!! Yay Yay Yay!! - Patti